
2022 Industry Leaders: David Wilkes, Herman Katz Cangemi Wilkes & Clyne, LLP

What is your management style?

I manage based on trust and a love for the people I work with. If I know that an employee or partner understands the assignment and is capable, I prefer not to micromanage

2022 Industry Leaders: Nicoletta Pagnotta, Meridian Capital Group

Describe what you would consider to be ONE of your top career highlights:

Having had the opportunity to work on the financing for some of New York’s most iconic properties, many stand out as highlights. That said, the most memorable project my team

2022 Industry Leaders: Ryan Bieber, Urbahn Architects

What is your management style?

I manage my projects and teams to achieve the clients’ expectations for the end product of built environment. This starts with the staff—I believe in

2022 Industry Leaders: Gregory DeMarco, Rock Brook

What is your management style?

My management style can be described as total open and honest communication. I believe in teamwork and inclusion of all, and I encourage everyone to be

2022 Industry Leaders: Amber Holycross, Wendel

What is your management style?

Growing up, my father worked two jobs to provide for my family. From his example of tireless dedication, I learned the importance of servant leadership. I place

2022 Industry Leaders: David Brown, SPACES (a CNY Company)

What aspect of your position do you find most challenging?

One of the most challenging aspects of my role is the daily balance of the many different personalities in our industry. With such a dynamic range of people, it is

2022 Industry Leaders: Greg Corbin, Rosewood Realty Group

Describe what you would consider to be ONE of your top career highlights:

Three years ago, a private equity firm purchased over 20 mortgage loans from traditional banks, collateralized by 31 Brooklyn properties. The PE shop then filed default notices and

2022 Industry Leaders: Jamie Schwartz, Hudson Valley iCampus

What is your management style?

Collaborative. I value and trust my team and encourage everyone to contribute. I believe in treating everyone with respect. Although I am demanding, my

2022 Industry Leaders: Jonathan Iger, Sage Realty

Describe what you would consider to be ONE of your top career highlights:

Becoming president of Sage Realty in December of 2014, as I became only the 4th president in the 90 year history of the company (at that point), as well as

2022 Industry Leaders: John Terrana, Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP

What is your management style?

I listen and get to know my employees so that I can determine what they need and what is important to them. Then, I try to give them this and all of the other tools they need to be