
2022 Industry Leaders: Michael Edelman, M&T Realty Capital Corp.

What is your management style?

My leadership style is centered on exploration. I prioritize providing employees with the opportunity to learn and eventually thrive outside of their comfort zones. Mastering your

2022 Industry Leaders: Wayne Lawrence, Shawmut Design and Construction

What is your management style?

Effective collaboration is my overall vision and management style. Having the ability to cater to different work and communication styles among team members, along with recognizing each

2022 Industry Leaders: Danylo Varakuta, The Falcon Group

What is your management style?

My style combines “coach” and “pacesetting” styles as I always set high standards for my team, and I am always concerned about efficiency and quality of the

2022 Industry Leaders: Joseph Martinez, Holt Construction

What is your management style?

I want to think my management style is more free form. I like collaboration within my team. I will not micromanage anyone unless they perform in a manner that requires that. Everyone is

2022 Industry Leaders: Jaimee Nardiello, Zetlin & De Chiara LLP

What award were you most proud to receive?

The CREWNY Founders’ Award. The Founders’ Award recipient represents the finest qualities of CREW New York, consistently supports the organization’s mission and goals

2022 Industry Leaders: Michael Zere, Zere Real Estate Services

Describe what you would consider to be ONE of your top career highlights:

Zere Real Estate Services recently sold a commercial office building investment portfolio of properties to one of their investors over the past several months. I exclusively handled

2022 Industry Leaders: Rachel Ataman, Touchstone Environmental Geology, PC

What aspect of your position do you find most challenging?

The most challenging part of being a leader of your own firm is being responsible for all components of your business from client management and bookkeeping to technical direction. These

2022 Industry Leaders: Andrew Hlushko, Collado Engineering, DPC

What leadership role outside of the workplace is most rewarding to you?

I’ve been on the Board of Directors of the ACE Mentor Program for nearly 20 years. I take great satisfaction from providing guidance and direction to high school students who

2022 Industry Leaders: Andrew Solano, Emtec Consulting Engineers, DPC

What is your management style?

As an emerging leader I strongly encourage and influence Emtec’s corporate culture. Establishing a workplace with ownership and interdependence surrounded by hardworking

2022 Industry Leaders: Nina Roket, Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP

What is your management style?

I always strive to set the example for the people I manage. I expect a lot from them and I want them to expect a lot from me. The most important thing is communication. I believe, in