
2020 Women in RE: Christa Waring, CTA Architects P.C.

What recent project or accomplishment are you most proud of?
As a partner in charge of CTA Architects’ finances, I am most proud of the fact that our employees never missed a full paycheck and not one of our

2020 Women in RE: Carrie O’Farrell, Nelson Pope Voorhis

What recent project or accomplishment are you most proud of?
In February 2020, the Town of Southampton adopted the Hampton Bays Downtown Overlay District (HBDOD), a form-based code designed to incentivize redevelopment of the hamlet center into a more-vibrant, attractive and successful mixed-use commercial center. I led the team in

2020 Women in RE: Marisa Queirolo, ACC Real Estate Services Inc.

What would you tell your daughter if she was interested in following in your footsteps?
I would be honored as a role model for my daughter to follow in my footsteps and choose a career she is passionate about. I could share my work experiences and offer resources.

2020 Women in RE: Valerie Monastra, Nelson Pope Voorhis

What conferences, books, blogs, podcasts, or influencers would you recommend to women?
I really enjoy non-fiction books where the powerless become powerful. “Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women” by Kate Moore is a book that demonstrates the strength of women and

2020 Women in RE: Diana Sweeney, EnergyWatch LLC

What recent project or accomplishment are you most proud of?
In addition to my role at EnergyWatch, I’m the exec. director of NYECC, a not-for-profit, with most of the largest commercial

2020 Women in RE: Sara Agudelo, Montroy DeMarco Architecture

What recent project or accomplishment are you most proud of?
As part of the Montroy DeMarco Architecture team, I am currently working on the redevelopment of a portion of the massive, 1.1 million s/f USPS Morgan General Mail Facility in

2020 Women in RE: Tricia Ebner, MdeAS

What recent project or accomplishment are you most proud of? 
410 Tenth Ave. (460 W 34th St.) has been the most challenging and rewarding project to date in my career. Part of the beauty of redevelopment is the ability to breathe life into structures that have been long neglected to create an

2020 Women in RE: Jenn Smaragdas, C3S CoRE Consulting, Inc.

What recent project or accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am most proud of the determination and strength of my team through this pandemic. We have all worked together as a unit to overcome the challenges brought upon us, both professionally and

2020 Women in RE: Katherine DeMercurio, EverGreene Architectural Arts

What is one characteristic that you believe every woman in business should possess?
Determination. Women in the Building Services industry must possess the drive and ambition to continue pushing the industry forward, now more

2020 Women in RE: April Intrabartola, Eastman Cooke

What is one characteristic that you believe every woman in business should possess?
Courage! Have the courage to follow your vision. Sometimes people give us advice that is very limiting, perhaps because they are trying to