2021 Year in Review: Jodi Warren, Capell Barnett Matalon & Schoenfeld LLP

December 28, 2021 - Spotlights

Name: Jodi Warren

Job Title: Partner

Company Name: Capell Barnett Matalon & Schoenfeld LLP

How has your working environment changed over the last year?
Our firm has sought to find a balance between remote work and in-office work. There are days when our entire group comes in and days where we work together remotely. The world was already inching towards a remote/hybrid work model before the pandemic. The technology was there. The lockdown simply accelerated the process. Our group’s hybrid model ensures our team has the best of both worlds—flexibility and collaboration without sacrificing quality or productivity. We’ve learned that clients care about the work done right. They don’t care where we do the work.

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic?
I was surprised at how quickly, effectively, and cohesively our firm pivoted to remote work. We were incredibly productive, and learned that we could work from anywhere, anytime. That was a surprise because I have young children, yet I got a prodigious amount accomplished working from home and spent more time with my family. Firmwide, I think increased productivity and employees feeling of satisfaction and happiness is what led us to shift to a hybrid model. Today, I come into the office 2-3 days/week to see everyone, collaborate in person, and work from home the remainder of the week.

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2021?
In 2021, I was made a partner of the firm! I don’t think anything trumps that. But workwise, my practice involves helping churches and other nonprofit organizations to further their missions by maximizing the ROI of their real estate. We call it “mission-driven development.” Right now, I’m working to finalize a deal for a church client selling two side parcels next to the church building. The monies generated will finance much needed repairs to the church building and ensure the congregation can continue to fund operations and important neighborhood projects.

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022?
Real estate will recover. I think it’s already come back. People feel more comfortable now in the current environment, and I expect we’ll see more construction projects gearing up, especially as NYC 421a tax abatements are expiring. So, many projects aim to get their shovels into the ground right away to meet that deadline. Come January 2022, any projects which haven’t already started will break ground very quickly. I expect we will see a kind of construction boom go forward pretty quickly.

What is the best advice you received in 2021, and who was it from?
The best advice I received in 2021 was to “find a balance.” It came from my managing partner, who “practices what he preaches.” We are better at our jobs, and we are better at home when we can find a balance between all worlds. One of the greatest lessons that the pandemic has taught us is that we can work from anywhere and still be productive and that we should also take a moment to breathe. To work hard but also take time to smell the roses.

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