
Davon Peters, M.C. O’Brien, Inc.

What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
The biggest challenge of the year was getting multiple decision makers out to see a space at the same time.

Rafael Stein, AIA, Urbahn Architects

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2020?
Among our firm’s accomplishments this year was winning two Lucy G. Moses Preservation Awards from the NYC Landmarks Conservancy. The first of

December Spotlight: 2020 Year in Review

New York, NY The New York Real Estate Journal (NYREJ) published its monthly spotlight.

Megan Elgard, The Falcon Group

What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
Being a very sociable person, the lack of human interaction has been the most difficult part during this pandemic. Missing lunches with

Steven Andersen, Montroy Andersen DeMarco

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2020?
My greatest professional accomplishment this year was assisting several of our commercial real estate clients who are considering

Brad Klatt, IREON, Logical Buildings

What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2020?
This summer, Logical Buildings launched GridRewards, the first and only consumer app that enables individual homeowners to enroll in

Buzz Riley, IA Interior Architects

What aspects of working from home did you enjoy most?
Over the last nine months, I have sought out the positive experiences to hold as endearing memories of this very challenging period. The catalyst of

Kenneth Rick, CPA, IREON, Janover LLC

What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
I found the most challenging part about working during the pandemic was keeping up good spirits. Zoom, Teams and even Facebook quickly became

Joe Yacobellis, AIA, Mojo Stumer Associates

What aspects of working from home did you enjoy most?
It was great to be able to get in a full work day while at the same time spending good and quality time with my kids and my wife.  The kids sat in on

Walter Marin, Marin Architects

What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
In February, when we all read the news that China was shutting down for two weeks, I distinctly remember thinking, there’s no way that could happen here. It was extremely difficult to accept that this could come to pass in the U.S., but