
Shahid Jafri, Jafri Capital, LLC

What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenge, especially since our firm did not experience the 2008 crisis. We recently formed a new culture including

Linda Alexander, IREON, Alexander Marketing & Communications

What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
Not having my team at the office to bounce off new ideas every day has been a challenge. It is not an accident that our logo is a lightbulb! When you’re in the next

Charles Warner, ME Engineers

What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
During the first week of the shutdown the biggest challenge was setting up our home offices to be as efficient as our work offices. This included

John Nolan, McAlpine Contracting, Inc.

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2020?
Being able to keep all of our staff working safely through the pandemic, without even one incident of a COVID-19 infection. Our construction operations

Stirling Collins, IREON, Champion Elevator Corp.

What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2020?
Two new projects come to mind with Long Island University and Stevens Institute of Technology. We had been pursuing business in the higher education space for

David Beinetti, AIA, SWBR

What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
The first challenge was having to make all the technical adjustments and pivot so we could continue working and staying connected. The second

2020 Year in Review: William Gati, Architecture Studio

What aspects of working from home did you enjoy most?
The aspects of working from home that I enjoyed most were being able to keep my own hours, freedom to be around family and pets, and the

2020 Women in RE: Kenne Shepherd, Kenne Shepherd Interior Design Architecture PLLC

What recent project or accomplishment are you most proud of?
This has been a truly unprecedented year. Responding to health concerns from the pandemic, we have focused on how good design, UV lighting, and enhanced air filtration

2020 Women in RE: Rina Parado-Read, IA Interior Architects

What conferences, books, blogs, podcasts, or influencers would you recommend to women?
One book I would recommend to women is “Grit” by Angela Duckworth – a book that focuses on passion and perseverance. The stories depicted in the book were real life scenarios and how grit was a big factor in successes of powerful

2020 Women in RE: Katherine Lytle, IA Interior Architects

What conferences, books, blogs, podcasts, or influencers would you recommend to women? 
I just read The Likeability Trap: How To Break Free And Succeed As You Are by Alicia Menendez. I related a lot to some of her personal experiences, which were similar to my own. Experiences that I had never