
2017 Women in Building Services: Linda Scainetti, Designworks LPS, LLC

What trends are you seeing so far this year?  The trends I’m seeing in the design of business workplaces is a desire for open plan design which creates a sense of community by incorporating communal work tables and encourage collaboration between employees. Employers want to create an exciting and stimulating environment for their employees.

2017 Women in Building Services: Jane Smith, Spacesmith LLP

What trends are you seeing so far this year? A huge trend lately has been activating and making more use of smaller spaces, so that every square inch of a facility is doing more for the owners and tenants. In American workplace and study spaces, things are changing so quickly…

2017 Women in Building Services: Ellen Talley-Lotzky, Symmons

What trends are you seeing so far this year?  My work focuses on the hospitality industry.  I’m seeing an increase in the emergence of brands, be it hotels, assisted living centers or traditional building management companies.  Each market segment strives to stand out from the crowd through use of unique yet memorable names, decorative design, and updated yet functional products throughout their properties 

2017 Women in Building Services: Kate Goodman, ATCO

How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career? As I have assumed more responsibility over the 20 years that I have been at ATCO, I have relied on my strength as a manager to nurture our various divisions. So much of what I do revolves around…

2017 Women in Building Services: Connie Racanelli, Con Rac Construction Group, LLC

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? I have navigated obstacles by staying patient and utilizing knowledge from family and other resources to obtain information to solve problems. In working in real estate law and construction, I have come across many personalities and…

2017 Women in Building Services: Lauren Monaghan, Bohler Engineering

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? My thirst for knowledge is never satisfied and I am fortunate to have great mentors keep me focused and confident in my abilities that and help me grow with each new opportunity. They’ve taught me to rely on my practical experience and…

2017 Women in Building Services: Danielle Semp, Lothrop Associates LLP 

How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career? Visualization is a strength of mine that helps guide the design process much easier. Once the initial conversation with a client occurs to discuss their wants and needs, a visual begins to form in my mind of what the final design may entail. This allows for a more efficient process when materials and FF&E must be selected. 

2017 Women in Building Services: Kristine Schmidt, Environmental Geese Control, Inc.

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? The service my company provides is unique. We use Border Collie dogs to herd, chase and haze Canada Geese from private properties, golf courses, housing communities and school fields. What started out as a hobby in dog training in 1994 has become…

2017 Women in Building Services: Patricia Simone, Simone Management Group

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career?  As a female minority in a male-dominated industry, I found further confidence through obtaining my Master’s Degree in Real Estate Development at the NYU Shack Institute of Real Estate and would recommend it to any young person that is dedicated to growth in the industry. I also never…

2017 Women in Building Services: Jessica Vail, The Falcon Group

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? I have faced many challenges throughout the course of my career and the most important thing I have learned is that no matter what happens, you always have a choice. You might not have the ability to immediately change a situation or circumstance, but…