
2017 Women in Building Services: Wendi Shafran, FXFOWLE

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? Earlier in my career, I was asked to attend a meeting in place of a more senior colleague who was unexpectedly unavailable. Recognizing my inexperience with the subject matter, I quickly immersed myself in a lot of related material, carefully considering the multiple points of view. By creatively using the knowledge I had acquired, I was able to bring resolution to a complex and time sensitive issue.

2017 Women in Building Services: Lisa Mulligan, Town of Brookhaven and Town of Brookhaven IDA and LDC

How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career? I try to surround myself with people who have strengths that differ from mine. I know that I cannot do everything, so I look for partners to work with me. I have also found that it is…

2017 Women in Building Services: Bonnie Hagen, Bright Energy Services

What trends are you seeing so far this year?  Given the new administration in Washington D.C. is full of climate change skeptics, slashing funding for the Environmental Protection Agency and other critical climate change initiatives, I am seeing a trend in the states, local municipalities and businesses moving forward with…

2017 Women in Building Services: Cathy Hoffman, Atlantic Westchester, Inc.

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? I knew I was entering a male-dominated industry, but growing up with four older brothers, and in a neighborhood full of boys, I pushed to excel and prove to everyone that women can work hard and play hard too.

2017 Women in Building Services: Sarah Nolan Hoff, Hoffhaus Creative

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career?  While it’s improving, the biggest obstacle is that many firm leaders see marketing as a support role. Marketing is responsible for crafting your message to the world, aligning your firm processes around business strategy, presenting your portfolio in the best light, and…

2017 Women in Building Services: Amy Rose, Rose Associates, Inc. 

What trends are you seeing so far this year? Renters continue to gravitate toward properties that offer robust amenity packages that enhance their day-to-day life in an effortless way. In 2017, we introduced a building-specific mobile app to…

2017 Women in Building Services: Julia Lindh, MKDA

How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career? I make sure my clients know they are my priority. This has led to long-term relationships. It’s not about winning the job, getting it done and moving on. I want to foster a long-term relationship so I am the…

2017 Women in Building Services: Kristen Gizzi, ECCO Development LLC

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? I have faced many obstacles, each one unique and at different points within my career. One cannot look at an impediment as a reflection on themselves. You cannot let your self-confidence be impacted by any obstacle…

2017 Women in Building Services: Angela Rella, ACC Real Estate Services, Inc. 

What trends are you seeing so far this year? Thankfully, the New York/Long Island economy is doing very well this year. Sales are up! Construction is booming, especially on Long Island. Owners are buying more and can afford to pay for professional property management…

2017 Women in Building Services: Sara Rubenstein, Continental Ventures 

How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career? I am very passionate about what I do, and I think that comes across readily. That passion and excitement helps motivate my team. I also flex to other people’s strengths and weaknesses to build the best possible team and to drive performance. Because I love what I do…