
2023 Year in Review: Greg Corbin,
Northgate Real Estate Group

What emerging trends will drive investment and development in 2024? 2024 is poised to be a landmark year of distress for New York City’s already troubled real estate market. Numerous factors that have significantly impacted property values over the past few years

2023 Year in Review: Lisa Radetsky,
Phillips Nizer LLP

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? The greatest challenge of leadership is anticipating trends that will impact the direction of the real estate practice, which needs to constantly adapt to meet the needs of our clients.

2023 Year in Review: Anthony Kazazis,
NYC Real Estate Network Group

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? The 2023 NYC Real Estate Expo. What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2023?

2023 Year in Review: Philip Butler,
Farrell Fritz, P.C.

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? The various sectors of real estate are each facing their own unique market trends, but across the board, all aspects of real estate development continue to be affected by

2023 Year in Review:
Steve Kirschner, IREON

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? The market trend of rising interest rates had the most significant impact on the real estate industry for CY 2023.This created an environment where cash buyers benefited

2023 Year in Review: Marc Spector,
SPECTOR companies

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2023? “With gratitude, optimism is sustainable”. This daily manifestation is the bridge to our firm’s success in 2023, personally and professionally.

2023 Year in Review: Megan Grand,
MTG Creative Group

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? The surge in available office space throughout 2023 positively impacted our business. Previously unmarketed properties now require compelling promotional materials

2023 Year in Review: Ariel Holzer, Falcon Rappaport & Berkman PLLC

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? In the past couple of years, we have watched the real estate market react to external market pressures and incentives. In 2022 and the first half of 2023 we saw a rush of financings and refinancings against fears of further interest rate hikes.

2023 Year in Review: Remi Fink, Jafri Journal

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2023? My most notable professional achievement revolves around cultivating valuable connections

2023 Year in Review: Roy Schwartz, Zetlin & De Chiara LLP

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2023? A notable victory concerned procuring summary judgment (valued at a few hundred thousand dollars, and also attorneys’ fees/costs and interest) on an unpaid