
New York Real Estate Journal presents 2019 Women in Real Estate - Professional Services

New York, NY The New York Real Estate Journal published its annual Women in Real Estate, Professional Services Spotlight. The September 17th Spotlight edition shares insight into today's real estate industry from a woman's point of view. This issue recognized achievements of women engaged in specialized industries including

Architectural design, code enforcement, and construction trends in New York City for fall 2019 - by William Gati

I have just completed a “major alteration” in Richmond Hill, Queens and have encountered quite a few “trend-setting” changes in architectural design, code enforcement, and construction. The Building Department approval and permitting process was more

Whose land is it? The 2008 Amendments to adverse possession law - by Justin Rostoff

“Adverse possession:” The principle of acquiring legal ownership to land that is owned by another. This is an extremely powerful tool that literally changes landscape of property in every state, city, and borough, ranging in all uses from industrial to residential;

Considering a ground lease? Consider these questions when vetting prospective ground tenants - by Robert Khodadadian

In today’s real estate market, creativity is required for a deal to make sense for all parties involved. One example of this creativity is to ground lease a property instead of the conventional sale. Although ground leases are not a new concept, many people are not familiar

A short primer for U.S. companies on commercial office leasing in India - by Edward Goodman

A U.S. company setting up its business in a foreign country potentially faces many challenges, including significant cultural differences, a lack of familiarity with the legal system and available tax benefits and, in general, learning what is required to

Could New York’s new rent control laws only benefit existing tenants? - by Jonathan Lewis

There’s really no better current example of the rippling unintended consequences that result when well-meaning legislators try to fix a societal problem without considering all the potential fallout than the recent radical revision of New York’s rent control laws. Although

Commercial market report: U.S. overall and Westchester County persevere

Rye Brook, NY According to a report released from Houlihan Lawrence, the U.S. economy continues expanding more than 2% per year, while the global economy is further softening and trade disputes

Safe harbor guidance on special 1031 exchanges: How to get 360 days to complete the deal - by Pamela Michaels

In the Northeast there are many investors with substantial nationwide real estate portfolios. These investors are often buying and selling one or more significant assets. REITs are a good example of such an investor but there are many others. At times, the

Did that just happen? Rent regulations in New York City - by Baruch Edelkopf and Evan Kaminer

As the June 15th deadline loomed, the real estate industry awoke June 12th to an early surprise—more anti-business regulations in New York. Tenant groups are declaring victory over the industry, though these laws will prove to be inherently anti-tenant. The

TPA 2019 will immediately affect residential and commercial landlords and tenants - by Stephen Lasser

The Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 and Statewide Housing Security Protection Act of 2019 (collectively the TPA 2019) were signed into law by governor Cuomo on June 14th, and all landlords and tenants in New York will be affected by its