
2019 Ones to Watch: Max Ralby, HKS Real Estate Advisors

Who or what do you attribute to your success? 
I attribute a great deal of my success to the platform HKS Real Estate Advisors has provided. The team-oriented,

2019 Ones to Watch: Ilana Ettinger, Knotel

What do you consider to be your greatest success in the past 12 months?
Since joining Knotel in September 2018, I’ve seen the business grow at an exponential pace to meet customer demand

2019 Ones to Watch: Matthew Zangwill, Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C.

Who or what do you attribute to your success?
My success is the product of the support, encouragement and constructive advice of my colleagues and family and my focus

2019 Ones to Watch: Talia Cohen, Knotel

Who or what do you attribute to your success?
My parents. I grew up watching my dad go from door-to-door selling office supplies. Despite hearing lots of

2019 Ones to Watch: Genta Stafaj, DLA Piper LLP

How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally?
I came to the U.S. as an immigrant from Albania. While my immigrant story has many details that are unique to my

2019 Ones to Watch: Ashley Doukas, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP

What do you consider to be your greatest success in the past 12 months?
As a land use and zoning attorney in New York City, I’ve learned that development projects and city land use

2019 Ones to Watch: Jacob Stern, Savills

What advice can you offer to someone who is just getting started in your industry?
If you view this as a 9-5 career, then there’s no way you can make it. You need to put in the time and long

2019 Ones to Watch: Michael Bertini, Savills

Who are some leaders that you admire and why? ?
At 23 years old, after receiving my degree from St. John’s University, I earned an interview at Savills and

2019 Ones to Watch: Justin Quinn, Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP

What advice can you offer someone who is just getting started in your industry?
What you lack in experience when just getting started, you can more than make up for by bringing a working enthusiasm to

2019 Ones to Watch: Jacqueline Elezaj, Black Mountain Capital

Who or what do you attribute to your success? 
My family, especially my mother. I’ve learned so much from my family, collectively and individually. Their