
The search for what to rent takes a break…Reasons why it often makes more sense to rent - by Ron Lanzo

As my loyal fans and column readers have come to expect, I’m always on a journey to find out what’s new to rent. In the ten plus years that I’ve been doing this at AFR Furniture Rental & Event Furnishings Inc., I’ve literally stumbled upon so many things that could be rented that there has never really been a shortage of new topics. In fact, there is literally an endless list of new products and services that have become available for rental in just the past two years alone…

Join us! Make a sound and strategic investment in Broome County - by Stacey Duncan

Like most things in life, timing is everything. Knowing when to make a move is as important as where to locate. In thinking how to get the best ROI for your next business investment, what are the essential components of a sound and strategic investment? Location and access to markets; powerful industry clusters, workforce and education; targeted state and local incentives; and an affordable and high quality of life. Broome County has all of the components so you can “check all the boxes” you need to make a sound and strategic business investment…

2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Michele Arbeeny, Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the last 12 months? While my banking and real estate finance practice continues to grow, I’m pretty excited about the advancement of…

2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Jane Roundell, Cresa

What blogs, resources, podcasts or influencers have helped you?  The webinar on Wellness in the Workplace which I co-presented with the…

2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Cara Cronin, Cronin & Cronin Law Firm

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the last 12 months? As a partner at Cronin & Cronin my focus is on providing results for existing clients as well as…

2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Judy Lynn Simoncic, Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP

What blogs, resources, podcasts or influencers have helped you? In my profession, I find LinkedIn the most beneficial resource to…

2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Jessica Munzel, Admiral Real Estate Services Corp.

How important is it for women to create a personal brand? I think it’s important for success in any field to highlight and develop what you…

2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Christine Cosentino, Cosentino Realty & Development

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the last 12 months? I completed the Advanced Real Estate Finance and Development Professional Certification Program at MIT…

2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Kyla Gessin-Stern, Chatham Development Company

What blogs, resources, podcasts or influencers have helped you? We hired Ryan Serhant of Nest Seekers to sell our project at 868 Lorimer St., so now I follow his Vlog…

2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Diana Brummer, Goodwin

What blogs, resources, podcasts or influencers have helped you? My helpful go-to sources for daily industry information are…