
2019 Women in Building Services: Elly Carias, Shawmut Design and Construction

What does it mean to you to be a team player? There is no successful project without all members of the project team working together. Communication throughout a project—both with the client and project team—is required. Without thorough communication…

2019 Women in Building Services: Maria Wilpon, DLR Group|Westlake Reed Leskosky

What does it mean to you to be a team player?   To me, being a team player means striving for continuous human interaction with others in the industry. My hope is that through these interactions, we can learn from one another, and design a world that’s ultimately more accessible for mankind.

2019 Women in Building Services: Alyson Blewett, CBRE

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months?  The successful relocation of 1,500 Port Authority employees to 4 WTC from various locations across New York and New Jersey. It was the first company to move back into the World Trade Center complex after the 9/11 attacks.

2019 Women in Building Services: Nicole Kotlarz, Shawmut Design and Construction

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months?  My greatest professional achievement has been working on Chanel’s 57th Street flagship renovation for the past two years. It’s the biggest project I’ve ever worked on.

2019 Women in Building Services: Katherine DeMercurio, EverGreene Architectural Arts

Which of your philanthropic endeavors are you most proud of? I have been so fortunate to have participated with so many amazing organizations giving back to those in need in the NYC community. Highlights include raising funds for the St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelter through Cycle for Hunger, participating in Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA’s) events to provide

2019 Women in Building Services: Kenne Shepherd, Kenne Shepherd Interior Design Architecture PLLC

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? We are in the final phase of a beautiful residential renovation at the Alwyn Court in Manhattan. After two years in design and development and a long review process, we are now in construction. Next to design, construction is my favorite part of a project.

2019 Women in Building Services: Jennifer Carey. JLC Environmental Consultants

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months?  JLC was chosen as the environmental consultant for a large commercial office building restacking project for a prominent entertainment company. This project had several challenges, but the biggest challenge of all involved working successfully with worried employees of the company. Our goal was to a ensure safe work environment for those working

2019 Women in Building Services: Nancy Ruddy, CetraRuddy

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? We recently celebrated our firm’s 30th anniversary, which is meaningful for us as an occasion to reflect on who we are, what we’ve accomplished, and the relationships we’ve cultivated, and to look ahead at where we want to go…

2019 Women in Building Services: Virginia Pugliese, Shawmut Design and Construction

What does it mean to you to be a team player?  Being part of an integrated project team has been a key component in my success as a Project Manager. No one person is responsible for the completion of a project, it takes a group of people collaboratively working together to…

2019 Women in Building Services: Robin Landow, Landow and Landow Architects

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? Our firm has designed numerous additions and/or alterations to existing buildings needing to meet today’s standards. For healthcare clients, such as St. Mary’s Hospital for Children and Cabrini of Westchester, we have designed more patient centered environments responding to revised codes and innovations in care delivery. For education clients, such as SUNY Maritime