
2019 Women in Real Estate: Nancy Ponce, Evergreen Insurance & Risk Management

What is your favorite motivational quote? 
“You can accomplish anything you set your mind too, No task is to big or to hard.”

2019 Women in Real Estate: Mary Jeanne Egleston, HUB International Northeast

How do you hold your own in a negotiation? 
Many people think to be a successful negotiator, you must be intimidating and inflexible. My strategy to negotiations is quite the opposite. My style is to be more cooperative and approachable. I find that those that I am dealing with

2019 Women in Real Estate: C. Jaye Berger, Law Offices of C. Jaye Berger

What was one of your biggest accomplishments in the last 12 months?
A property company called me about a building they own where a developer was building a massive new building right next to them and needed access to their property. My client and his team had been trying unsuccessfully to handle

2019 Women in Real Estate: Kyla Gessin-Stern, Chatham Development Co. and First Dunes

How do you hold your own in a negotiation?
While conventional wisdom in a “male-dominated” industry like real estate is to “be one of the guys” or “don’t be afraid to speak your mind” I learned a different

2019 Women in Real Estate: Lindsay Gomula, Janover LLC

What is your favorite motivational quote?
“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.”

2019 Women in Real Estate: Jane Lyons, Rhodes Associates

What is your favorite motivational quote?
“Attitude is everything.”

2019 Women in Real Estate: Lauren Werther, Avison Young

What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from? 
A female colleague at my first job out of college told me that being underestimated is one of the biggest

2019 Women in Real Estate: Jessica Sherman, Douglaston Development

What is your favorite motivational quote?
My father likes to say, “The person who lifts the heavy weights gets the muscles.” It’s a reminder that success doesn’t come easily to anyone. It requires

2019 Women in Real Estate: Valeria Kozhich, Holm & O’Hara LLP

What is your favorite motivational quote? 
“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water” ~ Rabindranath Tagore

2019 Women in Real Estate: Deana Wetzel, Marks Paneth LLP

What is your favorite motivational quote? 
My favorite motivational quote comes from Will Rogers: “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” In the accounting profession and in life, you never know what the day is going to bring.