
2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Danielle Margiotta-Kerr, Real Estate Board of New York

Beyond your professional achievements, what are some of your passions or hobbies? Exploring what NYC arts and culture has to offer! 

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Charles Rapuano, Winick Realty Group

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? Weekdays are dedicated to exploring restaurants with my wife after work, while weekends are reserved for quality time with my family. Watching my nephew’s soccer and baseball games

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Jake Cinti, OPEN Impact Real Estate

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life?  Holistically. Work and leisure are symbiotic, they drive each other. I am adamant about maintaining that balance. I’ve found that if all you’re thinking about is work for long periods of time

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Andrew Bronsteen, Marcus & Millichap

Beyond your professional achievements, what are some of your passions or hobbies? I have some pretty off the wall hobbies – I love woodworking, leatherworking, and even just fixing stuff around the house.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Jared Petrichick Leasing Agent Buckingham Properties

Outside of your career, where else do you seek continuous learning and personal growth? My passion for fitness which I cultivated during my time in the Colgate University Football Program continues today outside of the office.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Michael Casey, M&T Realty Capital Corp.

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? When I was a first-year analyst in New York City I was told there were three options; career, personal life, and sleep, and to pick one.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Ricky Warner, Newmark

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life?  There’s certainly a lot of sacrifice on the personal front, but I’ve kept a disciplined morning routine of exercising, which has helped contribute to the balance.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Julian Campanella, Shawmut Design and Construction

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? My family has shaped my career. Coming from a long line of builders, I worked for my family’s construction business from an early age.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Mackenzie Kurtz Webb, Keystone National Properties

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? First and foremost, my parents. They have been my biggest cheerleaders and have always continued to push me to strive for more. Second, Heidi Wheatley and Ray Sun

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Julia Lee, Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? I am very fortunate to work with an amazing team that provides me with everything I need to get the best results for my clients. I am also very grateful for my family.