
2024 Women in Construction: Jessica Rothman, Robinson & Cole LLP

What do you like best about being a woman in the AEC industry? Being a woman attorney in the AEC industry is empowering. Despite being historically male-dominated in NYC, the building industry proudly supports eliminating gender stereotypes in every role, at every level-ownership, field and office positions.

2024 Women in Construction: Janice Li, Crystal Window & Door Systems

What is one of the most exciting developments or innovations impacting the AEC industry right now? As a window manufacturer and early adopter of 3-D printing, Crystal uses this technology to streamline our product development process. Architects, contractors, and installers with special design needs for their construction projects can see actual window component samples before selecting, and our production team can determine the most efficient fabrication process, saving everyone time and money.

2024 Women in Construction: April Intrabartola, Eastman Cooke & Associates

What recent project, accomplishment or award are you most proud of? We recently completed two massive Jaguar/Land Rover dealerships in Brooklyn and Long Island and they are stunning! The project started just before the pandemic and we worked through supply chain issues, too. But today, they are active and beautifully structured, bringing economic benefits and jobs to both areas.

2024 Women in Construction: Marge Fedowitz, NYCAN Builders

What do you like best about being a woman in the AEC industry? As a female HR professional in the construction industry, I support diversity and inclusion in the workplace. A diverse workforce brings different perspectives, cultures, knowledge, experiences, opinions, strengths, and ultimately success to companies who foster a diverse environment.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars:
Michelle Quirk, USI

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? At this point, many influencers have entered and exited my life. The continuous support of my parents and my older sister/best friend is a blessing - both there to celebrate success and to pick me up if I stumble

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars:
Salvador Delgado, The Falcon Group

Beyond your professional achievements, what are some of your passions or hobbies? I indulge myself in several passions, from strumming guitar on stage with friends to shooting portrait photography, watercolor painting, and writing poetry. They all offer solace and a

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars:
Jeff Jacobson, masonre

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? There’s no 50/50 rule. I must give attention to each so both can grow. I pivoted to retail real estate because it enables me to blend my personal interests with my career goals.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars:
Zohra Roy, Logical Buildings

Beyond your professional achievements, what are some of your passions or hobbies? In my free time, I serve as a board member for my local community garden in Brooklyn and enjoy spending time in nature with my dog, swimming, and playing tennis.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Alix Curtin, Ariel Property Advisors

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? Exercise has always been a tool to help me achieve balance. I also heavily rely on my amazing support system to help me balance my career and personal life.

2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Joseph Ragusa, Fuoco Group/TFG Accounting and Tax

Beyond your professional achievements, what are some of your passions or hobbies? I like adventure! I enjoy beach volleyball, hiking, and riding my motorcycle, a 2021 Royal Enfield Himalayan. I read books ranging from philosophy to science fiction. Moreover, I look for opportunities