
2021 Women in Building Services: Dawn Curto, Rose Property Management Group

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A teacher or a cruise director (looked so exciting on the Love Boat!)

2021 Women in Building Services: Yumi Moriwaki, Ronnette Riley Architect

What led you to your current profession?

As an undergraduate I was very interested in history and philosophy where my research thesis culminated in a study of how the history of

2021 Women in Building Services: Tracy Hansen, BBS Architects, Landscape Architects and Engineers PC

What led you to your current profession?

I entered college in the field of engineering and in two years found it a bit dry for my future. I excelled in math and science but needed more creativity, expression, and

2021 Women in Building Services: Tamera Talbert, CTA Architects, P.C.

What led you to your current profession?

Even though dance was my first love, I did have a lot of interest in the arts, architecture and photography growing up. I am proud to be

2021 Women in Building Services: Jennifer Zhao, Shawmut Design and Construction

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a detective who had MacGyver and MythBusters traits. I was really into mystery novels and TV shows and found solving

2021 Women in Building Services: Cathlene Mitchell, BBS Architects, Landscape Architects and Engineers PC

What led you to your current profession?

As a senior in high school, I was looking at different colleges and my boyfriend just started attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). I applied to

2021 Women in Building Services: Ámbar Margarida, Spacesmith LLP

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I’ve wanted to be an interior designer since I was 12 years old. I’d finally moved into my own room and got to redesign it.

2021 Women in Building Services: Gabriela Lachapel, Shawmut Design and Construction

What led you to your current profession?

In college I spent time in Costa Rica and Honduras working on infrastructure projects to support local economic development initiatives. These

2021 Women in Building Services: Susan Kessel, CNY Group

What did you want to be when you grew up?

With my love of music, growing up I wanted to be a sound engineer. My grandfather played the stand-up bass with Louie Armstrong for

2021 Women in Building Services: Katy Flammia, Spacesmith LLP

Who was/is your mentor and how did s/he influence/help you in your career?

I have never had just one in particular. I would say the Boston Women Principals Roundtable, part of the Boston AIA chapter was and still is a