
2022 Year in Review: Judah Hammer, Meridian Capital Group

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2022? My team’s ability to adjust and persevere.

2022 Year in Review: Thomas Kearns, Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP

What person, project, transaction or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year?  Over the last 20 years of my practice, office building transactions have been a principal area of concentration.

2022 Year in Review: Dominic Paparo, EW Howell Construction Group

What person, project, transaction or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? Inflation and supply chain issues have had the greatest impact on the construction industry in 2022.

2022 Year in Review: William O'Brien, M.C. O'Brien, Inc.

What person, project, transaction or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year?  Undoubtedly, the work from home dynamic has impacted both office and retail transactions, for M.C. O’Brien, Inc.

2022 Year in Review: Ramya Jangamakote, Mojo Stumer Associates

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2022? My most notable project this year is the new Village Hall in Great Neck.

2022 Year in Review: Dominic Coluccio, Lesso Mall Development

How has your career path changed in 2022?  While my career path has not changed in 2022, my personal and professional approach has. I’ve tried to manage my daily responsibilities more efficiently by setting attainable but still ambitious goals.

2022 Year in Review: Carrie Villani, LERA Consulting Structural Engineers

What person, project, transaction or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? Organizations including AIA, ACEC, New York Building Congress, SEAoNY and The Architectural League helped to get us back to more normal times hosting fantastic events and bringing members together.

2022 Year in Review: Kevin Clyne, Herman Katz Cangemi Wilkes & Clyne LLP

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2022? Property tax can be an existential issue in New York under the best circumstances.

2022 Year in Review: April Intrabartola, Eastman Cooke Construction

What person, project, transaction, or market had the greatest impact on your industry this year?  Our business took a hard shift towards healthcare build-outs this year.

2022 Year in Review: Andrew Schramm, Olive Tree Holdings

What person, project, transaction or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? The domestic need for high-quality affordable housing complimented by the growing prevalence of mission driven capital, has been a uniquely impactful trend this year in the workforce housing ecosystem.