
2016 Year in Review: Thomas Kearns, Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP

Tom Kearns, Olshan Frome Wolosky Name & Title: Thomas Kearns, Partner Company Name: Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP What was your most notable...

2016 Year in Review: David Levy, Adams & Co.

David Levy, Adams & Co. Name & Title: David Levy, principal Company Name: Adams & Co. What was your most notable project, deal,...

2016 Year in Review: Hope Knight, Greater Jamaica Development Corp.

Hope Knight, Greater Jamaica Development Corp. Name & Title: Hope Knight, President & CEO Company Name: Greater Jamaica Developmen...

2016 Year in Review: Jim Scully, Scully Construction LLC

Jim Scully, Scully Construction LLC Name & Title: Jim Scully, Jr. Company Name: Scully Construction LLC What was your most notable proj...

2016 Year in Review: Louis Grassi, Grassi & Co.

Louis Grassi, Grassi & Co. Name & Title: Louis Grassi, CEO and Managing Partner Company Name: Grassi & Co. How will you be sup...

2016 Year in Review: Karen Hurd, SVN International Corp.

Karen Hurd, SVN International Corp. Name & Title: Karen Hurd, Senior Vice President, National Franchise Sales & Development Comp...

2016 Year in Review: Richard Maltz, Maltz Auctions

Richard Maltz, MaltzAuctions Name & Title: Richard Maltz, President Company Name: Maltz Auctions What was your most notable project, de...

2016 Year in Review: Sean O’Neill, American Security

Sean O’Neill, American Security Name & Title: Sean O’Neill, Chief Executive Officer Company Name: American Security What emerging t...

2016 Year in Review: Steve Gillman, TSCG

Steve Gillman, TSCG Name & Title: Steve Gillman VP Company Name: TSCG What was your most notable project, deal, transaction or professi...

2016 Year in Review: Jamison Weiner, Manhattes

Jamison Weiner, Manhattes Name & Title: Jamison Weiner            Company Name: Manhattes    What was your most notable project...