Name: Christopher Jones
Title: Associate Principal
Company: Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Address: 42 W. 39th Street, Suite 15, New Yor, NY
Year that you entered your current field? 2007
Who or what do you attribute to your success?
I believe my attention to detail, ability to communicate clearly, and engage with a team to solve complex problems are fundamental to an architects’ success. I also make it a point to be respectful, accountable and present for the client during the entire design and construction process.
How do you contribute to the future of your industry?
I actively mentor junior and intermediate staff on a daily basis to both improve the capabilities of our office to execute our work and also prepare them to take on leadership roles in the future. I also work with our internal team to advance our use of BIM software in building analysis and design.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
I make time management and delegation a priority to ensure that I am able to focus on my life outside of the office. Having a strong, capable and focused team makes it possible to work reasonable hours while still accomplishing the projects goals.
How did you get your start in your current field?
I earned a master’s degree in architecture from an NCARB accredited university, then I interviewed for an architectural intern position at Magnusson Architecture and Planning. I was offered a position and I accepted.
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