
2021 Year in Review: Emir Hot, Matrix Technology Group LLC

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022?
We are a technology infrastructure company focused on commercial interior work. Our industry was hit hard as interior fitouts declined as a

2021 Year in Review: Rafael Stein AIA, Urbahn Architects

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2021?
We’re working on several projects aiming at bringing humane conditions and quality healthcare to inmates housed at the Rikers Island Correctional Facility.

2021 Year in Review: James Famularo, Meridian Capital Group

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022?
As this year ends, I strongly believe that the challenges commercial real estate professionals faced during the pandemic are

2021 Year in Review: Marc Spector, FAIA, Spectorgroup

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022?
#BouncingForward is well underway on all cylinders for Spectorgroup in our various practices. We continue to evolve as a firm, always providing

2021 Year in Review: John Nolan, McAlpine Contracting

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2021?
There are three projects that I am particularly proud of, including the new $1 million Manhattan flagship showroom and store we built for the

2021 Year in Review: Zahra Jafri, Lynx Mortgage Bank LLC, Commercial Division

How has your working environment changed over the last year?
The pandemic presented many challenges to our industry throughout the last

2021 Year in Review: Jeremy Plofker, Urban Standard Capital

How has your working environment changed over the last year?
My work environment changed from being jobsite- and office-based to being productive from locations that bring joy to other parts of my life, primarily

2021 Year in Review: William Gati, Architecture Studio

What is the best advice you received in 2021, and who was it from?
The best advice I received in 2021 was from the Bible during an in depth study. Nehemiah 8:10. The Joy of the Lord is your Strength. This means that

2021 Year in Review: Richard Maltz, Maltz Auctions

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic?
Just pivot. Two small words can make a massive difference in the trajectory of a business. Prior to COVID, we engaged a company to build Maltz Auctions its

2021 Year in Review: Bryan Wengroff, HE2PD, Inc.

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2021?
Completing 1425 Fulton St. in Brooklyn. It is a nine-story, 26-unit building with