2023 Women in Construction: Samantha Smith, Buckingham Properties

March 28, 2023 - Spotlights
Samantha Smith
Construction Project Coordinator
Buckingham Properties

Which professional associations or organizations would you recommend to women who are starting out in the AEC industry? 

It’s extremely important to get involved with organizations such as NAWIC and WIRED which focus on empowering women in the industry. Women are naturally exceptional networkers and should be capitalizing on that innate ability. Recognize the strengths in other women you meet throughout the industry and work together towards success. We must unlearn this notion that other women are our competition in the workplace and in life. Instead, we should be lifting one another up so we can continue to open doors and create those opportunities that we continue to fight for.

How can AEC companies recruit more women?

AEC companies can recruit more women by educating those within their company who might still hold preconceived bias towards women in the industry, paying fair wages, and finding the value in flexibility in the workplace. Make inclusivity and equity a priority and that will shine through to potential candidates.

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