Green Buildings

Groszkowski named associate vice president at LBG

Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. (LBG) has named Sean Groszkowski, CPG, an associate vice president. He manages environmental projects wit...

Falcon collaborates with NYU-Poly for energy pilot program

Falcon Engineering has provided a grant to fund a pilot program to create publically accessible "Building Energy Actuarial Tables" at NYU-Po...

Donnelly Mechanical updates HVAC for Coty

Donnelly Mechanical Corp. is updating the HVAC system at Coty, Inc. headquarters, located in the Empire State Building. The project will ens...

The U.S. sustainable energy trinity

The U.S. has made great strides in creating a more sustainable energy economy thanks to the progress made in three major sectors - natural g...

Continuous commissioning can optimize efficiency

Traditionally, energy efficiency improvements in existing buildings involve capital investments made to improve the efficiency of building s...

Energize NY plus NYSERDA MPP: 1 plus 1 now equals 3

There is now a killer combination of Energize NY PACE financing and NYSERDA funding opportunities for multifamily properties that are contem...

Get more out of LL84 compliance

You don't know what you don't know, is the idea behind N.Y.C.'s Local Law 84 (LL84). For the past three years, the law has required more tha...

Sustainability saves money. I promise.

Sustainability for buildings? So what? It's got a reputation as being the expensive pet project of treehuggers who have more money than sens...

Don't hyperventilate!

Achieving a building's desirable ventilation rate is important from both an occupant satisfaction and energy consumption perspective. Howeve...

Evolution of the green movement to actual green performance

During the past few years, green projects have received, quite possibly, celebrity status as developers incorporate a variety of new design ...