Hutzler of Mantis Marketing: Love what you do

October 27, 2014 - Spotlights

Zoe Hutzler, Mantis Marketing

Name: Zoe Kate Hutzler
Title: Founding Principal Company Name: Mantis Marketing
Years in Commercial Real Estate: (Surrounding Industry) 15 Years
In the last 12 months, which project, transaction, honor or accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
One of my clients telling me that since he began to work with our firm his NY presence has increased tenfold and that he had the direct sales to prove it.
What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession?
I think everyone shares similar fears when starting out. Proving oneself, being identified as a standout within their career, but for me I think the biggest fear was that I would love what I did every day, which I can happily say I do.
Who are three women- living or dead - that you would like to have drinks with and why?
Oprah - isn't it obvious?
Madonna - She is a marketing genius and definitely knows her way around a good time!
Amelia Earhart - A true pioneer for women
What was your first job and what did you learn from it?
Babysitting -at 11 years old. Being responsible for the most precious thing in people's lives allowed me to have confidence that I could do anything I put my mind to,
What is your favorite quote?
Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark
What social media and/or face to face networking activities do you find most beneficial professionally?
For social media I like linked in - I think if you use it correctly it can be a very powerful and effective tool. Having said that I still believe that face to face networking is where you are able to cultivate relationships and relationships are the most important
What are you doing differently in 2014 that has had positive impact on your career?
Continuing to grow my brand and build amazing teams. Both within my organization as well as for my clients.
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