Scanna of Stroock & Stroock: Responsiveness and brains

October 27, 2014 - Spotlights

Karen Scanna, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP

Name: Karen Scanna
Title: Partner at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
Years in Commercial Real Estate: 10.5 years as partner (7 years prior as associate)
In the last 12 months, which project, transaction, honor or accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
I represent a joint venture designated by the City to redevelop nine sites near the intersection of Essex and Delancey. Essex Crossing will be a 1.65 million square foot multi-use project comprised of affordable housing, a new and expanded Essex Street Market, a dual generation school, The Andy Warhol Museum and a mix of office and retail space. One of the many things that makes this project special is that, after decades of failed attempts to redevelop the site, the City, the developers and the local community successfully collaborated and agreed on the best use of the sites and moved forward with this development.
What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession?
Being the first person in my family to attend college, I joined this profession a bit insecure. Having gone to Yale undergraduate and New York University law school, I was surrounded by people from much different (and I believed better) backgrounds than me. Additionally, I was a woman entering into commercial real estate which has historically been dominated by men. However, after a short time practicing, my fears dissipated and I approached my career with less trepidation. I realized that being a lawyer, and climbing the ranks at a large firm, is a product of hard work, dedication, responsiveness and brains. These qualities have led me to be a successful counselor.
What was your first job and what did you learn from it?
I had planned to continue on to law school right after college graduation, but family circumstances required me to take a couple of years off before starting my legal education. Being a litigation paralegal was an incredible experience. It reinforced my decision to attend law school and gave me some insight into "big firm life." I believe that having a job for the prior two years made me more mature than some of my classmates who only knew how to be a student and also helped to put many things into perspective for me.
What social media and/or face to face networking activities do you find most beneficial professionally?
I am a member of WX, New York Women Executives in Real Estate. I find that their breakfast panel presentations are excellent networking opportunities. The topics are timely, the speakers are at the tops of their fields and the number of attendees is manageable. Although I recognize the value and importance of large events, I sometimes find them difficult for networking due to the sheer size of the event and the breadth of the backgrounds of those who attend. At smaller more tailored activities, I have more in common with the other attendees and therefore am much better able to connect with them.
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