Title : President/Broker
Company/firm : KZA Realty Group, Inc.
Years with Company/firm : Over 25 Years
Years in field : Over 25 Years
Years in real estate industry : Over 25 Years
Address : 1200 Waters Place, Ste. M114
Telephone : 7188295775
Email : [email protected]
URL : www.kzarealty.com
Real estate organizations/affiliations : Bronx Manhattan North Association of Realtors
How do you and/or your firm use social media?
We use Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for many purposes. The most useful ways we use them is to market our company and available sites to the public. Social media also helps us in understanding what the needs of the various communities are and how we can assist them. If we do not have a site in house that a client is looking for we also connect with other real estate professionals to see if we can acquire a site for the client.
What is your biggest leadership challenge, other than the 'glass ceiling'?
Although I have encountered challenges throughout my career and life I have learned that the best thing anyone can do is to not dwell on the challenge but look forward to the solution. Once you recognize what the solution or end result of overcoming a challenge is then all of the steps to getting there seem to fall into place.
What is the most daring thing you've done for your career? How did it turn out for you?
I would have to say the most daring thing I have ever done was go back into business on my own. The first time was 25 years ago when I had a real estate brokerage and consulting firm. After 20 years I decided to go to work for a larger firm. After 5 years of working with a larger firm I decided, at age 65, that I was going to go back into business on my own and I did in August 2011. It was the best decision I ever made. I guess I was born to be an Entrepreneur.
Which project, deal or transaction was the 'game changer' in the advancement of your career? I do not think that there was any particular project or deal that was a game changer for me. I really think it was the fact that I was always willing to work outside the box and give my clients 120% to achieve their goals and as a result they have rewarded me with their loyalty and respect to which I owe my success today.
What do you consider to be the most successful way to increase referrals?
Because we are a small boutique firm, referrals are very important to us. I have been very lucky that we receive referrals from former and present customers and clients especially when I went back on my own again. Everyone has been very supportive and encouraging allowing me not to miss a beat as I build my new firm.
What is the BEST advice you have ever received?
The best advice I ever received was to do what you love and give it all you've got and you will be a success. They were right.
What is your favorite tip for balanced living?
I do not think I could give advice on that. I am not sure I know how to balance living and working. My family would say I work too much but I love what I do so to me it is not really work. I think as I am growing older I am taking more time to smell the roses and I guess that is bringing some balance into my life.
Where would you like to be in 10 years?
In 10 years I would love to be doing exactly what I am doing now and teaching my team how to be successful. I do not think I am the type to retire but maybe I would take more time to enjoy life and other things that I love to do.

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