Title of MHP Real Estate: Proud of vision and persuasiveness

June 23, 2015 - Spotlights

Pamela Title, MHP Real Estate Services

Name: Pamela Title
Title: Senior Managing Director
Company Name: MHP Real Estate Services
Follow my company on Twitter @MHPdealmaker
What year did you start your career in commercial real estate: 1985
Real Estate Associations/Organizations: REBNY
Follow me on Twitter @PamelaTitle
What recent project or transaction are you most proud of?
In 2014 I was approached by Man Made Music - an extraordinary bi-coastal music company specializing in sonic branding - to procure new production facilities in New York. The challenge was to identify a space with 14+ foot ceilings, excellent column-spacing and ample electricity with heavy floor loads, sound protection and able to accommodate a grand piano, and recording equipment, and all with a below-market budget. After advising them on the modalities of various areas and budgets, I negotiated a full floor in the Wall St. area. Since then, other companies have discovered this district and are following ManMade - the early-adopter. Given these requirements, I am especially proud of my vision and persuasiveness that brought them to what turned out to be an ideal location for a cutting-edge leader in its field.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why?
In my quarter century career, I've had the good fortunate to work with talented individuals. One has stood out. Norman Sturner, founder of MHP, a true visionary, brings his unique weltanschaüng, or world view, to every aspect of our profession. It's a privilege to benefit from his wise counsel.
What is the first thing you do when you arrive in the office in the morning?
Examine the list of key tasks for the day that I'd prepared the evening before, re-prioritizing items according to e-mails, voice-mails and articles from newspapers and online sources.
What time management strategies do you find to be the most effective for you?
Since each of my clients has unique demands, it is often challenging to triage their needs. So my goal is to deal with each most comprehensively so as to solve their problems expeditiously and move on to the next challenge and opportunity.
What is the best advice you have received and who was it from?
It's essential to have a lot of balls in the air, deals in the fire, as Charles Retz so often emphasized.
List 3 women that you would like to have drinks / dinner with and where would you go?
Meryl Streep to the Harvard Club of New York.
Angela Merkel to the Le Quai restaurant in Paris
Becky Quick to Luke's
What is your favorite quote?
"You snooze, you lose."
What did you want to be when you grew up?
An actress.
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