
2016 Women in Real Estate: Kelly Gedinsky

Kelly Gedinsky, Winick Realty Group LLC Name: Kelly Gedinsky Title: Retail Salesperson Company Name: Winick Realty Group LLC Email: Kelly@...

2016 Women in Real Estate: Christina Galati

Christina Galati, FXFOWLE Name: Christina Galati Title: Architect Email: [email protected]  Years in real estate: 5 Company Name: FXFOW...

2016 Women in Real Estate: Amanda Holt

Amanda Holt, Holt Construction Name: Amanda Holt  Title: Marketing & Brand Manager Email: [email protected] Years in real estate: 3 C...

2016 Women in Real Estate: Amanda Gorozdi

Amanda Gorozdi, AvisonYoung Name: Amanda Gorozdi Title: Senior Associate Email: [email protected] Years in real estate: 4....

2016 Women in Real Estate: Laurie Grasso

Laurie Grasso, Hunton & Williams LLP Name: Laurie Grasso Title: Partner Company Name: Hunton & Williams LLP Email: [email protected]...

2016 Women in Real Estate: Hope Knight

Hope Knight, Greater Jamaica Development Corp. Name: Hope Knight Title: President and CEO Company Name: Greater Jamaica Development Corpora...

2016 Women in Real Estate: Luise Barrack

Luise Barrack, Rosenberg & Estis, P.C. Name: Luise Barrack Title: Managing Member, Head of Litigation Dept. Email: lbarrack@rosenberges...

2016 Women in Real Estate: Jennifer Ecker

Jennifer Ecker, Moritt Hock & Hamroff Name: Jennifer Ecker Title: Partner Company Name: Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP         ...

2016 Women in Real Estate: Stacie Curtis

Stacie Curtis, CW Solutions Name: Stacie Curtis Title: President and Founder Company Name: CW Solutions Email: [email protected] Years in ...

2016 Women in Real Estate: Lisa Kiell

Lisa Kiell, JLL Name: Lisa Kiell Title: Vice Chairman Company Name: JLL Email: [email protected] Years in real estate: 26 Telephone: 21...