Savino-Erichsen of Automatic Industries: A Pioneer in the field

June 23, 2015 - Spotlights

Denise Savino-Erichsen, Automatic Industries, Inc.

Name: Denise Savino-Erichsen
Title: President
Company Name Automatic Industries, Inc.
Follow my company on Twitter @
What year did you start your career in commercial real estate: Full time 1990
Real Estate Associations/Organizations: Member Queens chamber of Commerce
What recent project or transaction are you most proud of?
Very proud of the laundry facilities that we have worked to revitalize for NYCHA. Many of these sites were vacant for 10 or more years. There were deteriorating laundry rooms that were neglected. It is very exciting to see the work that NYCHA is doing to improve the residents' quality of life. We are excited to have the opportunity to improve the amenities being offered to the tenants.
What recent honor, achievement or recognition has meant the most to you and why?
The laundry-route business is traditionally owned and managed by men. I truly am a pioneer in my field. In October of 2014 I was honored by the Queens Chamber of Commerce as a woman owned business champion. I was nominated by a board president of one of the co-op's that we service. I never expected such an award. It was fantastic to be recognized by someone that we are doing business with.
When you launched your own business what were some of the initial challenges and how did you overcome them?
My dad started this company. I am fortunate that he formed the foundation. My concentration has been on modernizing our ways and keeping abreast of technology. I work hard to dispel any second generation blunders. I am not fond of folks that strut around with an air of entitlement.
What has been your experience with having a mentor or being a mentor yourself?
There are many stories to tell about family-owned businesses. No one's world is perfect. My father was tough, but very fair. I can't begin to describe what an honor it has been to work side-by-side with my dad for the last 26 years. He knows the ins and outs this industry. There is no greater teacher than someone that has built a business from the ground up.
Please reflect on a recent achievement and/or milestone for your company:
It is difficult to target one project specifically. Word of mouth referrals is reward in itself. Our marketplace has been inundated by national firms. To have the ability to stand strong and continue with growth in our marketplace has been a huge milestone.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why?
No question, my dad, our CEO and founder. He had the vision, he built the foundation.
What is the first thing you do when you arrive in the office in the morning?
I typically arrive early before the days buzz begins.
I check my voice mail and refer to the top of my list.
What time management strategies do you find to be the most effective for you?
I keep a very simple notebook on my desk. Each morning I date the top of the page. As I go about my day, I make notes in my book. Before I leave for the night, I date the next day and make a quick punch list of what to address first.
What is the best advice you have received and who was it from?
It is just as important to be a good listener; my father, my mentor.
List 3 women that you would like to have drinks / dinner with and where would you go?
Sara Palin - A mom and a leader.
Candoleezza Rice - So articulate, so impressive.
Ellen Savino, a real Estate attorney and the mother of 10 year old twins. (My sister and best friend)
A simple glass of wine and a relaxed atmosphere to talk. Girl nights are great and never have to be scripted. These are three women I would love to sit and listen to.
What is your favorite quote?
There is only one boss - The Customer. He can fire everyone in the company from the chairman down; simply by going elsewhere.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I thought I wanted to go to culinary school and own a restaurant. I have no regrets the restaurant business is a very hard way to make a living. I enjoy what I do.
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