Perry Gault, Perry Gault Management Co. Inc.

December 28, 2012 - Spotlights

Perry Gault, Perry Gault Management Co. Inc.

Contact Name : Perry Gault
Company Name :Perry Gault Management Co Inc
Email : [email protected]
Phone : 914-4728360
Fax : 914-4728372
Address, City, State : 455 Central Park Ave, Scarsdale,NY

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2012? : As Chairman of the Bronx Manhattan North Assn Of Realtors political action committee (RPAC}, I raised the most money in the history of our organization to be used by the National Assn. Of Realtors in Washington,DC to elect bi-partisan congressional members who would support pro-real estate legislation. Our success was a testament of our commitment in protecting the future of our industry for generations to come .

What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2012? : We continue to change the focus of our business model from residential ownership in the City Of New York to mostly commercial properties in the Greater New York area just outside of NYC. Our purpose is to do business away from parties and areas that are under the jurisdiction of local authorities which continue to legislate unrealistic and bureaucratic regulations that we feel eventually will negatively impact real estate prices in spite of the current market's upswing.

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2013? : Over the long term, I am optimistic in regard to future real estate prices.My opinion in regard to the so called "financial cliff" is that it will be short lived. and an opportunity to buy real estate if prices drop. Since the great bubble, half a dozen years ago, new construction has been restrained, and with interest rates for the most part south of 4%,prices will inevitable rise based on shortage of supply coupled with a growing population. What the effects, if any, of the recent election will have long term on our industry is any body"s guess.

What are your resolutions for 2013? : The ability of a an individual to make a resolution for new year"s is not too difficult but the ability to succeed is another story. Success or failure can effect our inner being, thus I will pass on making what usually is a meaningless resolution in the first place.
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