Parking garage condition assessments New York state and New York City requirements - by Chris Krepcio

May 30, 2023 - Spotlights
Chris Krepcio

In April, a parking garage collapsed in lower Manhattan, killing one person and injuring five others. While the cause is still under investigation, structural issues are believed to be to blame for the tragic collapse. Recent changes were put into effect to prevent future negligence and destruction of parking garages across New York State and New York City. Below is a brief summary of each rule.

New York State Parking Garage Condition Assessments
The Department of State adopted a rule that amends Parts 1202, 1203, and 1204 of Title 19 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, which requires owners of parking garages to have periodic condition assessments performed by a qualified Professional Engineer (PE). The assessment should include an on-site inspection and evaluation of a parking garage to determine evidence of deterioration of any structural element or building component, evidence of the existence of any unsafe condition, and evidence indicating that a parking garage is an unsafe structure. Once the engineer completes the condition assessment, a report will be prepared, signed, sealed and then submitted to the local jurisdiction.

New York City Local Law 126 Garage Inspections
Local Law 126 of 2021 requires owners of parking structures to hire a NYS licensed and registered Professional Engineer (PE) to inspect the structure at least once every six years and file a report with the DOB documenting the results of the inspection (in accordance with NYC Construction Codes §28-323, and RCNY §103-13). Any space for parking/storing motor vehicles, other than an unenclosed outdoor lot, 1- or 2-car garage, or auto service station or showroom, must undergo an assessment by a certified QPSI.

Chris Krepcio, PE, Certified NYC QPSI, is principal at Merritt Engineering, Queens, N.Y.

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