Ones to Watch Fall 2022: Catherine Azevedo, Romer Debbas, LLP

November 22, 2022 - Spotlights
Catherine Azevedo
Senior Associate, Agency Lending
Romer Debbas, LLP

What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?

I recently worked on a complicated transaction with a mezzanine component that presented several challenges. There were a number of modifications to the loan documents; loan terms were also being negotiated up until the very day of closing. There were also numerous parties involved in the transaction which posed a challenge to managing everyone’s expectations.

Tell us about a mentor or role model that has influenced your career choices?

I’m grateful to be surrounded by such strong, resilient, intelligent individuals – both in my family and throughout my career. However, my parents will always be my number one mentor and role model. They’ve set the standard early on – dream big and work hard for it.

What 3 skills do you consider the most important to be successful in your industry?

1. Grit: Having the passion to persevere through obstacles.

2. Flexibility: Being able to move and adapt with life’s circumstances.

3. Patience: Trusting that everything will work out the way it is supposed to, even things that are beyond your control.

What is one lesson that you had to learn the hard way? Do not convince yourself that you aren’t worthy or good enough to achieve that dream or goal that you’ve always had your heart on. Throughout my career, I’ve held several roles as a legal professional, but not as a practicing attorney; however, I knew deep down that I wanted to practice law. I wouldn’t say that I learned the lesson the hard way as I’m grateful for each experience, but it was a long process (that I’m proud of) to finally realize my dream of being an attorney with a highly regarded law firm.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I enjoy being a wife to my best friend, Antonio, and mother to two amazing children (Theodore, 4, and Alessandra, 3). Family is very important to me, and work-life balance can be a challenge, especially in this field. I strive to always be there for my family, to be present and engaged.

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