Lori Anne De Iulio Casdia, LDC Strategies

May 24, 2022 - Spotlights

Name: Lori Anne De Iulio Casdia

Title: CVO | Life & Business Transformational Success Coach

Company Name: LDC Strategies

What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?

The most recent accomplishment I am most proud of is the transformation of one of my clients from having a vision and not being able to communicate this vision and her dreams into reality. After working with her we were able to capture her vision in a way that she was able to communicate and share and is now successfully executing the first phase of her vision and attaining her dream. To be a part of this transformation renders me speechless but fulfilled in my purpose.

Who was/is your mentor and how did s/he influence/help you in your career?

I have been blessed with many mentors/coaches throughout my life. Some professional coaches to business associates that took me under their wing, from Jack O’Laughlin to currently Jack Canfield. Having been trained by some of the best in my field it is an honor to call them my coaches, mentors and now my friends.

How do you contribute to your community or your profession?

I was taught as a small child by my parents that it is my responsibility to give back to the community. This is how one is part of the community. I am proudly a Ronkonkoma Rotarian, Port Jefferson Lion, Port Jefferson/Mount Sinai Moose, the president and founder of the Suffolk Virtual LeTip chapter and a member of Decision Women in Commerce and Professions.

Top three things on your bucket list:

Own my villa in Tuscany, Italy; get my book published (that will be this July! Yay!) to which I hope to help thousands; and to coach 1,000 people soar to success!

Favorite quote:

One of my Favorite quotes is “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” And my catch phrase that I end all of my radio shows “Healthy Lifestyle With Lori Anne” with, “Play a higher role, serve a higher purpose, show up for you and show up big!”

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