NYREJ’s 35th Anniversary: Thomas Kearns, Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP

July 30, 2024 - Spotlights
Thomas Kearns
Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP

How has NYREJ helped you, your firm or your industry?

NYREJ has given me a platform to share some experiences in the industry and practical ways to resolve legal issues that arise. I am continually surprised by people in the industry who mention to me that they saw some of my columns. I am also contacted regularly by lawyers and business people regarding a specific issue I have raised in my columns. I have tried to offer practical help and that seems to resonate with NYREJ readers.

Most memorable “15 minutes of fame” in NYREJ:

There are so many! I have been called by readers the “commercial condo guru”, the “real estate LLC guy” and, perhaps most frighteningly, an expert on the rule against perpetuities!

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