Novoa of ABS Partners: First job skills permeated entire life

October 27, 2014 - Spotlights

Audrey Novoa, ABS Partners Real Estate

Name: Audrey Novoa
Title: Senior Managing Director
Company Name: ABS Partners Real Estate
Years in Commercial Real Estate: 35
What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession?
When I started my career in commercial real estate, I really did not have any fears because I knew I had to succeed! I was married to an opera singer with 2 small children and almost totally broke. There was no room for me to fail. I was tenacious and learned the business in a year. My parents helped us out economically for 6 months and after that I was on my own, as I had no draw to depend on and I was totally on commission. There was no room for fear or failure, there was just too much at stake.
What was your first job and what did you learn from it?
After graduating from the High School of Performing Arts and receiving the highest honor as the recipient of the dance award of the year, my first job was as a professional ballet dancer, dancing with the Les Grand Ballet Canadian, the Metropolitan Opera and the New York City Opera. I had spent my whole life training to be a professional ballet dancer without realizing that, the training I was receiving was highly disciplined and focused and developed within me a very strong core. Those skills have permeated my entire life.
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