Miller of RPMiller Realty: See the beauty of creative marketing

June 23, 2015 - Spotlights

Reba Miller, RPMiller Realty Group Inc.

Name: Reba Miller
Title: President
Company Name RPMiller Realty Group Inc.
Follow my company on Twitter @ RPMillerNY
What year did you start your career in Residential real estate: 1985
Real Estate Associations/Organizations: REBNY
What recent project or transaction are you most proud of?
Having sold the corporate building for Loropiana to Graff Jewelers on East 61st St. several years ago paved the way to recently selling 27 East 61st for $19.2 million. I created an animation of the building, which showed it being knocked down and then rebuilt, which we thought was a unique way of marketing the property - taking a residential approach to a commercial building which sold at a record breaking price.
What recent honor, achievement or recognition has meant the most to you and why?
No doubt, the Henry Foster Award given by REBNY in October 2014. After thirty (30) years of being a proud member, having sat on the Board of Directors, my past and current role on the Ethics Committee and my participation in seminars and educational panels, it was a great industry acknowledgement for great ethics and achievement for the Residential Division of REBNY
When you launched your own business what were some of the initial challenges and how did you overcome them?
When I relaunched my business, it was after becoming the senior managing director for CORE where I helped open up their Eastside Madison office. I was able to see the beauty of creative and modern marketing techniques and expand upon it which began with my website and unique marketing techniques.
What has been your experience with having a mentor or being a mentor yourself?
I recently spent time in Las Vegas at the ICSC with my old boss who hired me at 24 to be his Director of Sales. It was so clear how much I still, to this day, value the business man that David Berley is and hope that in 20 years from now I am still as active as he is. We teach every day so mentoring is always present.
Please reflect on a recent achievement and/or milestone for your company:
Opening up the commercial division was a new business for me and our near future visit to Panama is a reflection of the relationships that I have established for years with the international market.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why?
As a strong and accomplished woman I have managed to meet some fairly high level female CEOs and very accomplished female leaders of businesses around the world so collectively it helps for my influence each day.
What is the first thing you do when you arrive in the office in the morning?
I put down the two phones that have already started my day and jump on the computer
What time management strategies do you find to be the most effective for you?
I work 24-7 so time management is a juggle for me, especially as a single mom of a 6year old.
What is the best advice you have received and who was it from?
The line that always is said...Reba, I am never worried about even if I seek advice it seems like the consensus that somehow I must be working effectively if no one is worried about me ☺
List 3 women that you would like to have drinks / dinner with and where would you go?
Angelina Jolie, Hilary Clinton, Diane Sawyer. Anywhere that I could have thirty minutes or more...
What is your favorite quote?
It's never I can''s always how can I...told to me by a volleyball coach when I was 15.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Exactly who I am today...

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