Malkin of Wien & Malkin addresses YM/WREA members at April 8th meeting

May 05, 2008 - Front Section

Shown seated (from left) are: William Montana; Malkin; Robert Fink; Danielle Zimbaro; Shown standing (from left) are: Paul Milunec; John Pavone; Brandl Frey; and Glen Weiss.

Anthony Malkin, president of Wien & Malkin and its affiliates, W&M Properties and W&H Properties, addressed members of the YM/WREA at the University Club on April 8th, highlighting the growing importance of branding in real estate and the need to refocus on company strengths and build core competencies during periods of market weakness. He cited the potent new identity of the W&H portfolio of pre-war trophy office buildings, which have been repositioned for today's marketplace on the strength of an upgrading program exceeding a $1 billion.
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