Jeffrey Schwartzberg, Premier Commercial Real Estate

December 22, 2014 - Spotlights

Jeffrey Schwartzberg, Premier Commercial Real Estate

What was the best thing that happened to you or your firm in 2014?
As a new firm, founded in October 2013, we have proudly begun to build a solid foundation and reputation as one of the top commercial real estate brokerage and consulting firms on Long Island.
And as one of the "easiest to do business with."
What was your most notable project, deal, transaction or personal achievement in 2014?
The establishment of Premier Commercial Real Estate and our Website to assist our customers and fellow "Brokerage Partners", in all aspects of our profession; whether Tenants, Brokers, Owners or purchasers. We believe, more than anything else, "Timing" is the most important and critical dynamic in Commercial Real Estate. And along that line, we are confident that our "Timing" is perfect for creating a unique company that has the skills, talent and professionalism to satisfy todays participants.
What are you looking forward to accomplishing in 2015?
Building upon our recent and substantial successes. We are a highly skilled and experienced, professional organization prepared to support the most complex challenges in a simple and direct fashion.
?What are some of your real estate predictions for 2015?
2015 is expected to be another active year for both purchases and leases. We expect interest rates will probably rise a bit, which should act as an additional catalyst for continued strong demand to purchase buildings. In other words, we expect even stronger demand from any purchasers who have been "watching from, and waiting, on the sidelines" as they will realize that continuing to wait may not be in their best interests as rates begin to rise. An "interesting dynamic" that we feel, is likely to occur in the upcoming year. Additionally, we believe strong leasing demand will result in greater challenges for Tenants who will seek our services to assist them in securing space with the greatest value to support their business requirements.

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