Jacqueline Klinger, Northwest Atlantic Real Estate Services, LLC

February 07, 2011 - Spotlights

Jacqueline Klinger, Northwest Atlantic Real Estate Services, LLC

Name:​ Jacqueline Klinger
Title: Vice President/Partner
Company/firm: Northwest Atlantic Real Estate Services, LLC
Years with company/firm:​ 10
Years in field:​ field of brokerage 10
Years in real estate industry: 14
Address: 711 Westchester Avenue, 2nd Floor
White Plains, NY 10604
Telephone: office 914.328.2222
Mobile 917.757.5390
Email: ​URL: email: [email protected]
Comapny url: www.nwatlantic.com
Real estate organizations / affiliations: Member ICSC
Member Young Men's & Women's Real Estate Association

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2010?
I did the first deal for Max Brenner's new concept Little Brown. There was a lot of competition for the space and the owner was in the process of selling the retail condo to Vornado which nobody knew. Took nine months to close an 800 s/f space deal. It's a beautiful corner on the Upper East Side and will open the second week of February. We are all very excited.
What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2010?
Handling the roll out for Clearwire in the NY Metro area. Clearwire out of Seattle, is a wireless Internet provider that has been building their network in this market and needed retail stores to showcase their brand and sell their services.
They offer home internet access, laptop cards and VOP service. We did deals in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Westchester and New Jersey.
How do you contribute to your company and / or the industry?
I like to think that I keep everyone honest. As far as the industry goes, that's way too big of a job so I probably do my share by representing my tenants with integrity and trying my best to never let them do something I would not do.
What advice would you give to women just starting out in commercial real estate?
Always do the right thing for your clients whether you are on the landlord side or the tenant side. Never be dishonest when conflicts arise; just focus on closing your deals. That is all that matters. Oh, and always remember who takes care of you.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
My phone starts ringing at 7:30 am and sometimes doesn't stop until after 9pm. A lot of the tenants I have worked with are on the West Coast, Papyrus, Jamba Juice, Clearwire, so I have to be available at all hours. I make time for my family and friends, but retail and restaurants are a big part of my life. My mind never stops thinking about work whether I am reading a magazine, in another city or out for dinner. Most of the time however, I make my own schedule and try never to miss anything that is personally important.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career?
David Firestein (president of Northwest Atlantic). He believed in me and gave me my shot. He's supported me every step of the way.
What impact has social networking had on your business?
Although there's great potential in on-line networking, nothing beats that face-to-face engagement of a cocktail party or other social event.
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