IREM 2024 president Libby Ekre, CPM; IREM president elect
Dawn Carpenter, CPM; Jessica Tusing, CPM, ARM and Jess Matthews, CPM.
Washington, DC Jessica Tusing, IREM NYC’s first vice president and co-chair of the Energy & Sustainability Committee and the Legislative Committee was in Washington DC for the Institute of Real Estate Management’s Advocacy Impact Day + ESG Summit on February 27 and 28.
Tusing joined over 100 IREM members and gained invaluable insights on why ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives can’t wait, and how to proactively position properties ahead of the curve. Among things discussed was the importance of the IREM CSP (Certified Sustainable Property) for real estate property and asset management professionals.
Attendees went to the Hill and met with federal legislators to discuss important issues affecting the property management industry, such as:

Choice in Affordable Housing Act (H.R.4606/S.32)
The Choice in Affordable Housing Act would provide $500 million to create a Housing Partnership Fund. The funds would be distributed to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to offer a signing bonus to a landlord with a unit in an area with less than 20% poverty; and to provide security deposit assistance, so that tenants can better afford to meet required deposits and landlords are assured greater protection against damages.
Respect State Housing Laws Act (H.R.802/S.3755)
The Respect State Housing Laws Act (H.R.802) would eliminate a provision that requires a 30-day notice period before a property manager may begin eviction proceedings against a tenant in federally assisted or federally backed housing.
IREM strongly believes members and their businesses should make sustainable management practices a priority. As sustainable property management continues to evolve, property managers will need to consider many factors when creating a sustainability strategy.

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