Title: Vice President
Company: Asset Preservation, Inc.
Location: 300 East 42nd St., 4th Fl., New York, NY 10017
Birthplace: Akron, Ohio
College: JD, Ohio State University School of Law
First job outside of real estate: Real estate attorney, Cohen, Scherer, Cohn & Silverman, North Palm Beach, Fla
First job in real estate of allied field: I spent 10 plus years working in-house for financial institutions turning around distressed assets.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? A 1031 and related tax specialist focused on real estate matters. Currently concentrating on assisting investors with the tax consequences of selling or relinquishing distressed real estate asserts, seller financing and other tax deferral options.
Hobbies: Golf, travel, biking
Favorite book: "The Greatest Game Ever Played"
Favorite movie: A tie between "Casablanca" and "Out of Africa"
Person you admire most (outside of family): Oprah-the right and dynamic combination of business smarts, empathy and femininity.
Keys to success: Hard work, courage and persistence
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Veterinarian or talk show host

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