EMCOR Penguin supports Breast Cancer Awareness

October 28, 2013 - New York City

EMCOR Penguin and client Alexandria Real Estate Equities has joined forces to form a 500+ person Pink Hard Hat Ribbon - one of the largest human ribbons ever formed in New York City.

According to EMCOR Penguin, 500+ of its employees as well as Alexandria Center for Life Science tenants, and more, donned EMCOR Pink Hard Hats and assembled to form a giant pink ribbon, EMCOR's "signature" event, in a "Call to Action" in support of breast cancer awareness as part of EMCOR's "Protect Yourself. Get Screened Today." Campaign. The human ribbon created was the largest ever formed in NYC. The event was held at the Alexandria Center for Life Science, New York City's first and only world-class science park for life science innovation, collaboration and translation.
A leading contractor in New York City, Penguin is a subsidiary of EMCOR Group, Inc., a Fortune 500 leader in mechanical and electrical construction, industrial and energy infrastructure, and facilities services for a diverse range of businesses.
A $75,000 check, the result of individual donations and contributions, was presented by executives from EMCOR Penguin and Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. to The Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Cancer Center of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center*. Dr. Maxine Jochelson, Director of Radiology, Breast and Imaging Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center accepted the check and participated in the event.
Also as part of the event, a Pink Hard Hat plaque was presented to Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.'s Senior Vice President, John Cunningham, by EMCOR Group, Inc.'s President and CEO, Tony Guzzi, and EMCOR Penguin's COO, Frank Gibbons.
Kathryn Wylde, President & CEO of the Partnership for New York City participated and spoke at the event, "We are delighted to join EMCOR's Pink Ribbon here at the Alexandria Center for Life Science, which is New York City's exciting new center of life-saving biomedical research and drug discovery. While efforts to eliminate breast cancer continue, we want to remind people that early detection remains the best way to deal with this disease and that requires regular mammograms. The Partnership applauds EMCOR Penguin for leading this charge."
The event also included an inspirational story from EMCOR Penguin's CEO and breast cancer spokesperson, Paul Shields, whose words regarding the importance of breast cancer screening underscored those of Wylde. "We're delighted to participate in EMCOR's fifth consecutive year of this national initiative," said Paul Shields. "Most of our employees wear hard hats daily for personal protection; we're proud of their commitment to wear an EMCOR Penguin Pink Hard Hat throughout October to raise awareness for breast cancer and the importance of early detection."
John Cunningham said, "Alexandria is pleased to team up with EMCOR Penguin and the 'Protect Yourself. Get Screened Today.' campaign to increase awareness on breast cancer screenings. As the epicenter of life science research and development in Manhattan, the Alexandria Center for Life Science is humbled and honored to be the canvas for this very innovative and important human ribbon, the largest ever formed in this world-class city."
EMCOR and its clients are forming five Pink Hard Hat Ribbons across the U.S. this October.
Further, thousands of EMCOR employees coast to coast are wearing Pink Hard Hats at hundreds of construction sites---ranging from hospitals, roadways, malls, and high tech companies, to universities, military bases, and hotels. Additionally, EMCOR's fleet of 7,000+ service vehicles are carrying the message of "Protect Yourself. Get Screened Today." to millions of people every day throughout October by displaying EMCOR Pink Hard Hat posters.
Visit EMCOR's Pink Hard Hat site: www.emcorgroup.com/pinkhardhat
*Name is used by permission of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
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