Chang of Highcap Group handles 18,000 s/f, 92-space parking garage lease in Queens

January 24, 2017 - New York City
87-02 & 87-20 Northern Blvd. - Queens, NY 87-02 & 87-20 Northern Blvd. - Queens, NY
Charles Chang, Highcap Charles Chang, Highcap Group

Queens, NY Charles Chang, a senior director at Highcap Group, has arranged the parking garage lease at the premises known as 87-02 to 87-20 Northern Blvd. between 87th and 88th Sts. The new 40,000 s/f free standing commercial building is located in Jackson Heights on  Northern Blvd. and includes  tenants such as Denny’s Restaurant, Dunkin Donuts, Chipotle and Children of America Daycare plus additional offices.

Chang said, “After a lengthy negotiation we were able to secure for ownership a 20 year lease with a solid tenant who operates multiple parking operations and is very familiar with the area.”  The underground parking garage consists of 18,000 s/f and 92 spaces.

He represented the landlord and tenant.

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