Brandl Frey, The Durst Organization

February 07, 2011 - Spotlights

Brandl Frey, The Durst Organization

Name : Brandl Frey
Title : Leasing Manager
Company/firm : The Durst Organization
Years with company/firm : 1
Years in field : 9
Years in real estate industry : 9
Address : One Bryant Park
Telephone : (212) 257-6590
Email : [email protected]
Real estate organizations/affiliations : YM/WREA, REBNY, CoreNet
What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2010?
I had two great professional accomplishments in 2010. The first was joining The Durst Organization as Leasing Manager and the second was being elected Chairman of the Young Men's/Women's Real Estate Association.
What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2010?
The team I was on at Newmark Knight Frank was named the exclusive leasing agent for One Chase Manhattan Plaza.
How do you contribute to your company and / or the industry?
I am actively involved with REBNY where I am on the Grand Central, Plaza District and West Side Committees. I have been a member of the YM/WREA since 2005 and have served on the Board of Governors for four years.
What advice would you give to women just starting out in commercial real estate?
Perseverance is critical to success. Commercial real estate is not always the easist industry to break into and for many the first few years are challenging. Even once one gets some footing, the nature of the business is such that a deal may fall apart and come together multiple times. Patience and determination are the foundations for a successful career. In addition, mentors are very important in this business yet it's unlikely that anyone will offer to mentor you but people will be flattered if you ask them for career advice and guidance so don't be afraid to.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
This is a relatively easy balance for me as a lot of my close friends are also my colleagues in the business. In the beginning of my career I thought I had to be in the office all the time to demonstrate my commitment. Now I understand that the most important thing is doing a great job, getting my work done and maintaining a great quality of life for myself outside of the office.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career?
My Grandfather Bill who passed away last year has been the strongest influence on my career. He was a savvy business man, a prolific writer of business philosophy, a gifted athlete and philanthropist. He taught me that two years is the minimum that you should stay at a job as it takes at least that long to get a real sense of it. He also taught a lot about balancing career, family and friends through his dedication to his family, his love of poetry and writing and his commitment to his community.
What impact has social networking had on your business?
Facebook is fun but I haven't had occassion to use it for work just yet.
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