25 Year Anniversary Q&A: Mindy Wolfle

August 26, 2014 - Spotlights

Mindy Wolfle, ARMAO LLP

Name: Mindy Wolfle
Title: Chief Marketing Officer
Company: ARMAO LLP
Q: The approximate number of years you have been a subscriber and/or how the NYREJ has been a benefit to you and/or your business:
A: I have been receiving the NYREJ here at Armao LLP since I joined the predecessor firm in December 2011. But it's not the first time I have been a subscriber to the NYREJ. In previous marketing director positions, I read and submitted news to the publication as an important conduit to reaching the construction, real estate and related industries.
Q: The approximate year you discovered the NYREJ and what business you were in at the time:
A: That's a hard question to answer, but I'll guess it was around 2000. I was the marketing director at an accounting firm with offices in New York City and on Long Island.
Q: Your most memorable "15 minutes of fame" in the NYREJ:
A: It was great to be one of the professionals profiled in the NYREJ. I email blasted that article to everyone I know. And now, just this week, my article, "In business, you are what you write" appears in the Business Communication column. It's good to be recognized and published!

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