25 Year Anniversary Q&A: Bart Feinberg

August 26, 2014 - Spotlights

Bart Feinberg, Sutton Real Estate

Name: Bart Feinberg
Title: Director of Brokerage Services
Company Name: Sutton Real Estate
Year Founded: 1933
Years with Company: 5
Years in real estate industry: 9
Q: The approximate number of years you have been a subscriber and/or how the NYREJ has been a benefit to you and/or your business:
A: I have been a subscriber soon after I entered commercial real estate. The Journal is a good source for leads in addition to information on various aspects of Commercial Real Estate. Brownfield, Green Buildings, 1031 Exchanges, etc.
Q: The approximate year you discovered the NYREJ and what business you were in at the time:
A: I discovered the Journal when I was the director of economic development for the city of Syracuse in 2002.
Q: Your most memorable "15 minutes of fame" in the NYREJ:
A: Tough to say. I have had numerous deals submitted to the Journal over the years, but do not see that as fame.
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