2024 Women in CRE: Nicole Forchelli, Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP

September 24, 2024 - Spotlights
Nicole Forchelli
Partner, Tax Certiorari
Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP

What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of? 

I recently resolved a property tax matter for a nationwide retailer related to a bundle of properties in Upstate New York. The project was very broad in scope and required a significant amount of organization and coordination over a long period of time. My adversaries were unnecessarily difficult every step of the way, which added an additional layer of complexity. At times, the task seemed so complex and vast as to be insurmountable. I kept at it, and not only did we accomplish a great result for our client -- who was thrilled with the outcome -- but I came away with a renewed confidence in my own skills, tenacity, and ability to take the initiative in a challenging situation.

What are the most important factors young women should consider when choosing a firm to build their career with? 

The most important factor must be representation. Are there women who have advanced to positions of authority within the firm? That is probably the biggest indicator that opportunities for upward mobility are present, and that the firm will be governed with a view of fostering female career growth and be supportive of female workplace concerns. The second most important factor, in my view, is workplace culture in general. I find the best environment for success for young female attorneys are firms that have a collaborative, friendly ethos, as opposed to overly siloed or internally competitive. 

What would your title be if the words currently use to describe your job no longer existed? Negotiator-Mediator-Pacifier.

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