2024 Women in CRE: Ilona Posner, Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP

September 24, 2024 - Spotlights
Ilona Posner
Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP

What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of?

I recently moderated a panel for the Commercial Observer on the state of the retail and hospitality industry and the economic factors driving the future of consumer-driven industries. This is one of several steps I’ve taken to expand my footprint into the “speaking” world. I find it both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time but feel it is extremely important to get your name out there and to be considered a thought leader in your industry.

Which professional organization(s) would you recommend to women just starting out in your industry:

CREW NY is an organization dedicated to women in commercial real estate (although there are some male members). It is an amazing networking and referral source that is committed to philanthropy and education initiatives, and building and strengthening relationships. There is one or more CREW chapters in almost every state and some countries abroad as well, so wherever you go, there is always a network of people at your fingertips. 

Who inspires you most? What qualities do they possess that inspire you? 

I have several colleagues (both male and female) that inspire me. The qualities that they possess that inspire me most are (1) they are generous with their time to others, (2) they are powerhouse networkers/speakers and have made a name for themselves in their practice industries, (3) they are leaders at my firm who have spearheaded one or more initiatives to make things better for all attorneys, and (4) they are charismatic, friendly, approachable and constructive with their criticism and/or advice. 

What are the most important factors young women should consider when choosing a firm to build their career with?

Mentorship Program: Is there a mentorship program and/or Women’s Initiative program? At MHH, I co-chair our Women’s Initiative and mentorship programs established to assist female attorneys in professional growth and advancement opportunities both within the firm and industry-wide. Mentorship programs are instrumental in encouraging and empowering personal development, identifying and achieving career goals and increasing confidence. 

Culture: Does a firm have programs that promote firm culture? By way of example, at MHH we have a social program dedicated for young associates that fosters and promotes team building initiatives focusing on communication, collaboration and motivation. Team building activities help a company enhance its culture because it brings together different viewpoints, improves problem-solving capabilities while nurturing efficiency and productivity.

Diversity: look at the population of not just the associates but the top tier management, how many are women? minority? An environment that encourages, supports and celebrates diversity and inclusion and promotes the advancement of diverse individuals establishes an inclusive culture that encourages different perspectives and viewpoints. 

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