2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Peter Yousef, Silverstein Properties

February 27, 2024 - Spotlights
Peter Yousef
Digital Workplace Senior Manager
Silverstein Properties

“Over the past year, Peter has remarkably transformed Silverstein Properties into a digital-first workplace. His initiative has enabled seamless and secure access for employees to work from anywhere, on any device. His dedication to improving employee experience through innovative digital solutions has been pivotal in advancing our company’s technological capabilities.” - Yael Urman, Chief Technology Officer at Silverstein Properties.

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? I am able to balance my career with my personal life by prioritizing tasks and time management. Additionally, my passion for my career enhances this balance, as I’m motivated to excel professionally while also making time for my personal life.

Beyond your professional achievements, what are some of your passions or hobbies? Beyond my professional achievements, I am passionate about working out and traveling. Staying active helps me maintain physical and mental well-being, while exploring new places and cultures ignites my sense of adventure and enriching my life experiences.

Outside of your career, where else do you seek continuous learning and personal growth? Outside of my career, I pursue continuous learning and personal growth through hobbies like reading, fitness, and volunteering. These activities expand my knowledge, improve my physical well-being, and foster a sense of community, enhancing overall personal development and fulfillment.

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