2024 Ones to Watch Rising Stars: Michael Cetta, A-1 Roofing & Siding of L.I. Corp.

February 27, 2024 - Spotlights
Michael Cetta
Vice President of Sales
A-1 Roofing & Siding of L.I. Corp.

“Michael joined A1 Roofing in Q3, the busiest time of year. Michael immediately immersed himself in the business and was a key contributor in our record setting year. Hired to drive sales & growth, Michael has exceeded expectations and driven change beyond his role that have improved the broader organization. A Rising Star that will continue to make positive impacts on our business, industry, and clients!” - John Malizia, CEO at A-1 Roofing & Siding of L.I Corp.

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life?  Time management is key. Establishing dedicated time slots for answering emails ensures a tidy inbox. Keeping my work and personal calendars updated and reviewing them side-by-side at the beginning of each week helps eliminate crosstalk and grants me full permission to immerse in the task at hand. Creating space to engage in hobbies, pursue fitness goals, and spend time with family allows me to be fully present and productive when it’s time to get to work.

Beyond your professional achievements, what are some of your passions or hobbies? There’s nothing better than a Long Island summer – loading the family onto the boat for a day on the water is one of my most cherished pastimes. Our backyard chicken coop and vegetable garden create tons of fun and fulfilling opportunities to get the kids involved and work together. During the colder months, we always make time for a road trip to Vermont to snowboard and enjoy the tranquility of the mountains.

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